Environmental, Regulatory, Permitting and Consulting Expertise
The services BRC provides vary greatly, depending upon the type of development or facility being planned, proposed, evaluated, or built. BRC staff has produced ecological assessments, mitigation plans, construction monitoring plans, biological resources management plans, long-range resource management plans, research reports, restoration plans, and scientific journal articles and books. Our managers, scientists and associates offer a broad range of services including:
Basic biological research
Construction/compliance monitoring
Baseline resource inventories
Ecological modeling
Impact assessments
Restoration Plans and implementation
Mitigation planning and implementation
Fatal flaw analyses
Alternative route analyses for linear facilities
Environmental permitting
Environmental regulatory advice and assistance
Wildlife telemetry investigations
GIS/GPS applications
Expert testimony
Literature searches and database creation
Resource management planning
Air pollution permitting, evaluation and air toxics modeling
BRC personnel are experienced with the permit application and compliance requirements:
NEPA and CEQA, and related impact statements and reports
California Energy Commission Regulations
California Public Utility Commission regulations and filings
FERC Exhibit E’s
Federal Clean Water Act
California Endangered Species Act
Federal Endangered Species Act Regulations specific to most of California's counties
Federal and California Clean Air Act and local air pollution control regulatory programs
BRC’s personnel have worked on environmental compliance issues for numerous facility types:
Wastewater Recycling Facilities
Water pipelines
Oil and natural gas facilities
Conveyance aqueducts
Coal and gas-fired power plants
Hydroelectric facilities
Cogeneration facilities
Geothermal power facilities
Military installations
Roads and highways
Reservoirs and canals
Housing and urban development
Public facilities
Transmission and distribution powerlines
Water supply systems
Renewable energy facilities (e.g., wind farm and solar energy installations)
Wildlife and Botanical Consulting Expertise
BRC biologists currently are or have been members of recovery teams for endangered species. They have developed standards and guidelines used for endangered species permitting and management and are respected by their peers as leaders in education and conservation programs involving ecological processes, endangered species management, and related topics. Our biologists excel in wildlife ecology and botanical research/consulting. A representative list of services follows:
Habitat assessments and mapping
Wildlife-habitat relationship analyses
Vertebrate and invertebrate zoology and ecology
Listed and special-status species inventories
Biological assessments
State and federal Endangered Species Act consultation processes
Resource planning and management
Watershed planning
Habitat restoration and mitigation
Geographic information management (GIS/GPS).
Rare plant surveys
General vegetation surveys
Floristic analyses
Revegetation and restoration plans
Jurisdictional boundary delineation
Wetland functional evaluations and mapping
Wetland creation and/or enhancement
Groundwater monitoring
Listed and Special-Status Species Permits
BRC can provide timely professional expertise on every special-status species that could potentially occur within our service area. Not only do BRC’s associates possess a variety of federal endangered species research permits and Memoranda of Understanding for many of the listed or sensitive wildlife species found in California and neighboring states, but BRC also occasionally subcontracts for the services of recognized experts who possess any needed permits not held by our staff. This approach allows for rapid response to our client’s needs when endangered species are involved while maintaining a high level of quality control in our studies.
The BRC team possesses extensive federal, state, and regional expertise with endangered species permitting, habitat conservation planning and other multi-species planning approaches to resource conservation.
BRC can implement field studies under a wide range of environmental conditions and settings and professionally report the results. Our biologists are experienced with conducting major field studies from the Alaskan arctic to the tropics, and we use state-of-the-art GPS/GIS mapping graphics and desktop publishing equipment to consistently produce publication-quality reports, maps, scientific illustrations and layouts for documents or public presentations.